On October 1st, 2013, business leaders and entrepreneurs from across Monroe County will be converging on the Convention Center on South College Avenue in Bloomington to participate in the first Innovative Leadership Institute.
Topics will revolve around how the changing technology landscape is influencing the manner in which companies market and brand themselves and how that will change the dynamics of authenticity, collaboration and innovation. A significant segment of the institute will take on developing processes and frameworks for businesses and entrepreneurs to build their own “innovation eco-system” of partners and networks.
The Innovative Leaders Institute will feature award-winning CEOs, like Jeb Banner, from SmallBox in Indianapolis, but also local innovators like Michele Mattoon, CEO of Coltrain Group, who has been working for over 20 years with organizations across North America on developing new frameworks and processes for innovation and collaboration. Some of Michele’s clients include the American Museum of Natural History, Indiana University, The Deborah Meier Institute, the National School Reform Faculty, the VOICE youth smoking cessation program, West Palm Beach State College, and the New York City Zoo and Botanical Gardens.

“Michele Mattoon will provide participants frameworks and processes they’ve never thought about before; the kind of processes that will make meetings more effective and partnerships more rewarding. In the end, its all about being more innovative and making sure the best ideas win so your business can stay on top,” explains Derek Richey, one of the organizers of the institute.
Registration for the event is limited, and Chamber of Commerce and Leadership Bloomington Monroe County members get a special discount for attending. To find out more, visit: https://coltraingroup.com/leader/ or email drichey@coltraingroup.com.